Networked Insights analysis of the State of the Union
Posted by Natan Edelsburg on January 26, 2012
Twitter and Mass Relevance put out some very interesting data the State of the Union, and now social TV data company Networked Insights has provided us with a deeper analysis of what social comments can tell us about the president?s TV broadcast to the nation. Social TV data continues to be fascinating. From the top level analysis on the biggest moments to infographics that paint a picture of the ongoing conversation, boring traditional TV ratings better watch out for companies that have technology and know how to listen in the right places at the right time.
Networked Insights Lead Analyst & Cultural Anthropologist Sean Reckwerdt provided Lost Remote with some telling data on moments from the event. You can tell from his deep look at the behavioral implications of viewers that played out across social, that social TV data can be way more than ratings implications, it can actual tell us about society.
1. Negatively analyzing the appearance and behaviors of the individuals that appeared on screen ? The best example of this was the Republicans that appeared in the background: John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Mitch McConnell whom to viewers all looked rather unhappy for having to sit through the Address. John Boehner in particular was accused of being a lost member of Jersey Shore for his orange-looking tan.
2. Admitting to being positively affected emotionally or sentimentally to what they?re watching ? This happened when Obama hugged Gabby Gilford and several viewers admitted to ?tearing up? a bit. This also occurred when Obama recognized Steve Jobs for his innovation, and the cameras showed Steve Jobs?s wife. Some viewers even took it upon themselves toon how attractive she looked, which might have a bit inappropriate for that moment, but this is the Internet.
3. Debating the validity of the announced accomplishments ? Most notably this was related to Osama Bin Laden, pulling the troops out of Iraq, and the resurrection of General Motors. This also had a lot of impact on the ?core themes? hashtags (as identified by the White House) that all had very mixed sentiment with the exception of #Education [+35%, -5%]. On that same note #Jobs was surprisingly one of the most negatively received topics [+8%, -23%] because of the lack of trust in the government to create new jobs that are more professionally driven and less labor-orientated (like construction).
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